Young people face many tough issues in our society. But we know that they can build brighter futures with positive mindsets and life skills. Inner Spark provides free personal development workshops for schools serving disadvantaged communities (defined as above average free school meals) across the UK.

The workshops are led by inspirational presenters who have transformed their lives and want to share lessons with young people.

Watch our video

Alongside our brilliant facilitators, we work with charities like Outward Bound Trust, UpFront Theatre, The Haven and Mind of the Student who tackle big issues facing students and teachers from mental health and resilience to sexual harassment and consent.

Our workshops are designed to help schools meet key Ofsted criteria and make them great places for all students to flourish – so they can be the best they can be.

How to Book

Please click the  link below and complete the details in the form, a member of our team will be in contact within five working days.


“I loved it - it was inspirational, impressive and motivational - it makes you want achieve greatness. You can overcome life’s challenges, if you believe in yourself. ”

Student, Khalsa Academy Wolverhampton