Inner Spark is a national programme transforming young people’s lives, founded and run by the Goyal Foundation with our delivery partners and funders.

We run free personal development workshops for schools that have with an above-average proportion of students qualifying for free school meals. Some of these workshops are led by our team of inspirational presenters, some are run with other incredible charities. All are life-changing for students and their teachers.

Watch our video

The Goyal Foundation was set up in 2010 to tackle disadvantage faced by children, young people and women in the UK and abroad. Our trustees come from two generations of the Goyal family and the foundation was set up in memory of their parents and grandparents.

Click here to watch to our 2023 Impact video

Our Vision

“Our vision is a Britain where everyone is the best they can be. That means igniting the Inner Spark we all have and equipping young people with positive mindsets and life skills to fulfil their potential.

Inner Spark is delivered and funded by a range of great people and organisations working closely with our partners in schools and their students. With the support of these partners and our growing number of funders, we believe we can make a huge difference for at least one million school students by 2030. They are the future of our country!”

Anita Goyal MBE
Chair of the Goyal Foundation


“I thought the workshop was really inspiring. It will really help to build inner confidence in the pupils and give them tools to use for future challenges.”

Teaching Assistant, Sanders School Essex

The Need

Life skills education brings a host of benefits. It helps students build resilience and self-confidence, but it also has an academic impact.

Research suggests that character traits such as high levels of self-belief, motivation and self-control can improve educational attainment, engagement with school and attendance.

And the need is greater than ever before, with more young people facing major challenges, such as mental health and wellbeing, right across the UK.

Our Team

Inner Spark proudly supports the promotion of good relations and community cohesion between all faith groups, helping to narrow the gaps and break existing stigmas in identified communities.

We could not do this without the support of individual givers, trusts, foundations and our brilliant volunteers who give their time, support and funding to ensure that The Goyal Foundation works in partnership with organisations to meet our aims on a global scale.

Our Funders Include